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Architecture now! 6 Architektura dzisiaj
W szóstej części ARCHITECTURE NOW! przedstawiono budynki rożnej wielkości. Od maleńkiego Teahouse Tetsu pomysłu Terunobu Fujimoriego ( o powierzchni 6,07 m2) po gigantyczną Crystal Island w Moskwie projektu Normana Fostera (1,1 mln m2). Jest to przegląd najnowszych rozwiązań architektonic

Architecture Now! 5 - Architektura Dzisiaj
Piąta edycja serii ARCHITECTURE NOW! dokumentuje prace najbardziej awangardowych i wpływowych architektów z całego świata. W piątym tomie znajdujemy nazwiska zarówno uznanych, jak i debiutujących architektów. Tym razem pojawi się także kilku projektantów, zgodnie z najnowszym nurtem, w k

Architecture Now! 8
Today's starchitects. Currents in architecture around the world. "Architecture Now!" has become the international reference for information on what is happening in the world of contemporary architecture. Volume 8 reviews new and exiting projects completed and under construction in the whole worl

he Loft, which originally constituted a type of clandestine life, has become a concept applicable to large, renovated spaces, where the existing structure has been incorporated into everyday architecture. Consequently, old factories, storage areas and warehouses are being transformed to create homes

Architecture Now! Houses 2
Cutting edge private dwellings Beyond the fundamental notion of shelter, what defines a house? The broad-ranging selection of extraordinary dwellings in the Architecture Now! Houses series shows the concept to be infinitely malleable: one house seems to hover above the ground, another is embedded i

Smart Apartments
This book looks at a selection of apartments which show a wide variety of architectural and design solutions suitable for different kinds of properties - from a small studio loft to a two or three storey home. It looks at the work of international designers and architects, taking the reader on a vis

Living in Dream Cities
Cities have their own spirits which give them life and characterize them, filling them with charm and creating a definite personality which is deeply rooted in their history, architecture and residents. Witnesses to the past and the present, cities reflect the way their inhabitants think, feel and l

Visions of the Future. Architecture for the 21 century
Zaprezentowane projekty ukazują, jak mogą wyglądać miasta, osiedla oraz bloki, wieżowce i domy jednorodzinne w przyszłych pokoleniach. Niektóre propozycje, zakładające zagospodarowanie przestrzeni od samego początku, są na wskroś wizjonerskie; inne dotyczą istniejących już miast, rede

Interior Design Inspirations
"Interior Design. Inspirations" is a reflection of our time and cultural changes in our society. The realm of residential interiors is a particulary reliable index to the scope of technological progress, prevailing cultural attitudes and the values human beings hold dear. Thus it is not surprising t

Architecture Inspirations
Each of the homes in "Architecture. Inspirations" are comprehensive projects where exterior and interior design carry equal weight. This book aims to present the latest trends in residential architecture and interior design, propose a variety of styles, and serve as a source of inspiration to reader

Czytnik książek elektronicznych Kindle Paperwhite (bez reklam)
Czytnik książek elektronicznych Kindle Paperwhite Dane techniczne: Wyświetlacz E-Ink, 6", 1024 x 758 pixeli, 16-level gray Funkcje wyświetlacza wyświetlanie ebooków Rozmiar pamięci wewnętrznej 2 GB Procesor 800 MHz, ARM Cortex-A8 Kolor Czarny...