r Wyszukane po tagu: clarkson

World according to Clarkson
Jeremy Clarkson talks about life, the universe, and everything! A hilarious snapshot of life in the 21st century.
The world is an exciting and confusing place for Jeremy Clarkson - a man who can find the overgrown schoolboy in us all. In The World According to Clarkson, one of the country's funniest comic writers has free reign to expose absurdity, celebrate eccentricity and entertain richly in the process. And the net is cast wide: from the chronic unsuitablity of men to look after children for long periods or as operators of 'white goods', Nimbyism, cricket and PlayStations, to astronomy, David Beckham, 70's rock, the demise of Concorde, the burden of an Eton education and the shocking failure of Tom Clancy to make it on to the Booker shortlist, The World According to Clarkson is a hilarious snapshot of the life in the 21st century that will have readers wincing with embarrassed recognition and crying with laughter. It's not about the cars!

And Another Thing
Everyone knows that Jeremy Clarkson finds the world a perplexing place – after all, he wrote The World According to Clarkson. Yet despite this, things don’t seem to have improved much. However, Jeremy is not someone to give up easily and he’s decided to have another go.

Don't Stop Me Now
There's more to life than cars. Jeremy Clarkson knows this. There is, after all a whole world out there just waiting to be discovered.
So, before, he gets on to torque steer and active suspension, he takes time to consider: the madness of Galapagos tortoises; the similarities between Jeremy Paxman and AC/DC's bass guitarist; the problems and perils of being English. God's dumbest creation. Then there are the cars: whether it's the poxiest little runabout or an exotic, firebreathing supercar, no one does cars like Clarkson. Unmoved by mechanics' claims and unimpressed by press junkets, he approaches anything on four wheels without fear or favour.
What emerges from the ashes is rarely pretty. But always very, very funny.

For Crying Out Loud
New to paperback, the latest in the bestselling "The World According To Clarkson" series. Since his one-man war on crimes against common sense has not yet been won, Clarkson is still shaking his head at the madness of it all, although he has learned a few things along the way, such as: why binge drinking is good for you, and how to dispose of a seal. 'On any page you'll find a blinder' (The Times)

I Know You Got Soul
In his own inimitable way, Clarkson tells the thrilling stories of the planes, trains and automobiles that inspire us; and the geniuses and visionaries that built them. Includes tales about the Ferrari F40, Concorde and Titanic. Illustrated throughout making a perfect gift.

Born to be Riled
A timely re-issue of the "Top Gear" presenter's angry diatribes on the state of world through his windscreen, following the success of the million-selling "The World According To Clarkson". Taking swipes at Surrey, cable TV salesman, raving politicians and pointless celebrities, the inimitable Clarkson is often controversial but always extremely funny and entertaining.

swiat wedlug Clarksona 4 - w czym problem
"Dawno, dawno temu, Jeremy Clarkson miał marzenie. Marzył mu się świat, w którym wszystko, co bezsensowne, idiotyczne i absurdalne jest surowo wzbronione… Świat, w którym zwycięża zdrowy rozsądek i niczym nieskrępowana pomysłowość. Trzy książki i trzy miliony sprzedanych egzemplarzy później jego marzenie o Świecie według Clarksona wciąż żyje… Pytając W czym problem?, Jeremy wyrusza w kolejną misję. Przeludnione więzienia, wycinka lasów deszczowych, podłej jakości służba zdrowia, coraz gorsza muzyka, tradycja dławiąca nowoczesność – to tylko nieliczne z problemów, którym chce zaradzić w zupełnie niestandardowy sposób. Śledząc wywody niekwestionowanego wirtuoza ostrego pióra, dowiecie się: – dlaczego kryzys finansowy to konsekwencja picia herbaty – co łączy Jamesa Bonda i Batmana z Kubusiem Puchatkiem – kiedy możemy osiągnąć stan zwany „szczęściem doskonałym” – w jaki sposób gry planszowe zagrażają pokojowi na świecie – jak można stać się pewną częścią ciała Angeliny Jolie. Zaskakująca, bezkompromisowa, a przede wszystkim zabawna – taka jest nowa książka niepoprawnego miłośnika drzewek bonsai i rugby, niestrudzonego hodowcy owiec i osłów, poszkodowanego niedawno przez japońską toaletę… Jeremy’ego Clarksona! "